Friday, June 11, 2010

I've always believed that a portrait captures a person far better than a photograph. It truly takes a human being to really see a human being.

On Monster's Ball:

The film explains that a 'monster's ball' is the night-before party that those on death row have before their execution. As I watched this depressing movie, I wondered about the purpose of this bizarre ritual was. Do you give a last great taste of life to these people that apparently do not deserve to live it? Why do you give someone this experience only to take everything away directly after? Aside from that, sometimes, the best things in life get taken away from people. This happened a lot in Monster's Ball. After Lawrence Musgrove's execution both Hank Grotowski and Leticia Musgrove lost a son. In fact, they each lost their only son. This event and the series of events that followed left the two people with a gaping hole in each of their lives. Eventually they find each other and they start to need each other, as on the couple's journey many lines are crossed and many things change.

Many things can be considered disgusting about Hank and Leticia as a couple. Hank executed Leticia's husband. The only reason they are with each other is because they each lost a son and needed something good in their lives to distract them. To Hank's father, Buck, the fact that they are an interracial couple is disgusting also. To Buck, in fact, it is such a disgusting fact that he remains ignorant of the other facts and goes right into being disgusted. Watching the interaction when Leticia and Buck accidentally meet is the calm before a storm. Everything seems to being going unexpectedly normal and then the lightning hits. Almost casually into the conversation Buck slips in that, "I had a thing for nigger juice too. Hank is just like his daddy". This comment sends Leticia running and brings us back to the hateful world that is such familiar scenery in this film.

I cannot make a decision about the relationship between Hank and Leticia. On one hand it is beautiful. Sad, but still beautiful. The two cross so much hate to meet in the middle. Hank over comes so many of his and his family's prejudices because he needs this woman. Leticia has lost her family, but she still makes up a lot of ground in letting this white man pursue her. On the other hand, in order for this relationship to start, three people had to die. Is that what has to happen for a black person and a white person with all this baggage to come together?

This is a movie off the list with an interracial couple. While the movie did leave the viewer feeling awful dirty and with a lot of questions about the morality, meaning and future for the couple it is still significant that the movie has an interracial couple. It is also important that the movie points out all the problems and flaws with this relationship, both involving and not involving race, this movie brings up how messed up the couple is. I think that that says the most about how far film-making has come, this movie is allowed to have a dysfunctional, interracial couple and it is still a great, oscar nominated film of its time. Next on the list is Crash

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